We are a couple (in our 60s) of messengers of the Good News about the Kingdom of God, and that there is peace and reconciliation to God the Father through the death and resurrection of his only Son Jesus. We are also equippers of all those who want to follow Jesus the Messiah wholeheartedly.
We are non-denominational believers, based on the Holy Scriptures and guided by the Holy Spirit. And we are part of the community of believers who have been born of water and the Spirit of God, and follow the Lord Jesus the Messiah—our Head and Sovereign Pastor.
As mature believers, we encourage, teach and guide young believers in the faith, setting a good example daily during our visits and community life with them. Since our work is voluntary and full time, we trust in God for our daily sustenance. In fact, our Divine Father faithfully supplies our basic needs through those who welcome and support our ministry of evangelizing the lost and equipping believers—with accommodation, food and contributions for our continual missionary travels and living expenses. OUR VOCATION In our 20s, after becoming disillusioned and leaving our parents' established Christian religion a few years earlier, we had a deep desire to seek the truth about God's existence and why and for what purpose He created us. Shortly thereafter, in an overwhelming and wonderful way, we had a personal, supernatural encounter with God and with Jesus. They revealed themselves to us personally and transformed our lives completely and drastically. The Divine Father called us to repent of our sins and turn to Him, and to believe in and follow his Divine Son Jesus the Messiah—whom He sent to shed his blood and rise from the dead, in order to cut off the curse of the power of sin over us so that God himself could make peace with us. As soon as we heard and believed the Good News of God about his Son, we then wholeheartedly repented to God and gave our lives to Jesus without reservations. At that precise moment, we experienced a big infilling of God's Spiritual Presence (or Holy Spirit) on us, which miraculously transformed our lives from inside out. We felt immediately reconciled to our Heavenly Father, becoming his adopted children, as Jesus was taking over our lives completely, especially since after the baptism in water in his name and authority. Hallelujah! From that moment on, we left the world (or man's system) behind, and followed Jesus wholeheartedly to this day, more than forty years later. And now, we dedicate ourselves to spending personal, intimate time each day with God our Father and Jesus our Lord—reading and meditating on the Holy Scriptures, and praying and worshiping in the Holy Spirit. In addition, we are dedicated to sowing seeds of the Good News of God among the lost on a daily basis. We also gather and prepare the harvest of fully born-again believers who follow Jesus, so that they too may advance the Kingdom of God. OUR MISSION
Daily we bless and share with others our personal testimony of our new birth, and we also announce the Good News of redemption and reconciliation to God through Jesus the Messiah.
We heal all those who need spiritual and/or physical healing, touching them with our hands and commanding oppression or illness to come out, and liberation or healing to appear, in the authority of Jesus and the power of God.
We encourage all those who believe in the Good News to take the following five steps in order to be completely born again and receive the divine nature so that they can do God's work:
1) Repent of all sinful life, confess every sin, and surrender completely to God the Father and his will, to be able to receive a tender new heart.
2) Be fully baptized in water (which represents the blood that Jesus shed) for the washing of sins and burial of the body of the sinful nature, to be able to be born again and live a new life dedicated to following Jesus the Messiah.
3) Receive God's Holy Spirit, which is in fact the glorious nature and holy presence and miraculous power of Jesus—which He inherited from his Father.
4) Commit to meditate on the Holy Scriptures and pray in the Holy Spirit daily, to be able to have constant intimate fellowship with God and with Jesus.
5) Commit to sharing the Good News with the lost at every opportunity, healing the sick, baptizing believers, and equipping them to do the same.
We encourage every follower of Jesus to meet regularly, and even to live with other brothers and sisters of the faith, to pray together and help each other spread the Good News, in order to advance the Kingdom of God in their city.
We equip believing parents to learn how to care for their children well in order to develop their character—by reading Scripture and praying with them, doing a variety of activities with them (including reaching out to others with the Good News), and giving them consistent, loving discipline.
We equip every follower of Jesus who wants to become his full-time messenger and equipper, to help us reach and reap the great harvest that awaits us.
The DEITY and the Holy Spirit According to the Bible >
The Good News of Redemption and Reconciliation >
God's Good News and the New Life >
Why did God send Jesus to the Earth? >
Our Legacy of Following Jesus >
The Life of a Follower of Jesus (Bible Study) >Contact us if you would like to serve God with us and/or support our ministry of evangelizing the lost and equipping believers. May God our Father bless you, keep you, and use you for His great work of redemption from the power of sin and reconciliation to Him through Jesus our Lord and Savior.
José & Béatrice
Messengers of God's Good News and Equippers of Jesus' Followers